Kawish Forum

Mental and Psychological Well-being:
Advocating for the significance of psychological health and overall well-being, Diya established KawishForum which Provides free psychological consultation and support through the Kawish Forum.
For Psychological Assistance, Career Counseling& Aptitude Testing: An important focus of Diya is Psychological health of masses. Every second person in the society is suffering from some psychological ailment, tension or stress caused by the fast & superficial life style of today. TGH Guidance & Counselling Centre has been working with the children & teachers of TGH since 2009 & in 2010 extended its services to the parents also from the platform of DIYA. Parents are always welcome to come together or separately to discuss any issues related to their children or themselves with the senior psychologist & Head of TGH Guidance & Counselling centre,

Professor Ghulam Mohyuddin. We started as the ULJHAN SULJHAN forum (later Renamed as the KAWISH forum) aimed to offer the services of a qualified Psychological Consultant, Prof. Ghulam Mohy-ud-din, for the families of Diya students to discuss any general or specific concerns, and finding solutions ensuring strict confidentiality. This valuable support was provided free of charge. In October 2013, we extended our services to the general public. People from all walks of life have benefited from this service so far. This effort reflects our commitment to extending support beyond our immediate community and to advocating for mental well-being on a broader scale. Anyone who is interested in this service can contact Prof.Mohy-ud-din at 0336-5557555 on Thursday & Friday for a free consultation.